what is an ultrasound scan

scan pregnancy

Through the use of technology, keeping up with your pregnancy with the use of 3D ultrasound pregnancy scans makes the experience of pregnancy much more fulfilling- for both mom and dad. 4D simply means watching the baby's expressions and movement as they happen in realtime. The 3D pregnancy ultrasound conducted during the 2nd and 3rd trimester is meant for getting a clear picture of the placenta and the fetus as well as for providing details about growth and position of the baby.

If you are having a 3D pregnancy ultrasound, unlike your regular medical ultrasound appointment, you will not be told to drink lots of water and hold on to it just before the scan. Structural abnormalities in the fetus can be dependably diagnosed by an ultrasound scan, and these can usually be performed before 20 weeks.

This pregnancy scan uses the same technology as the 2D scans, but it takes it a step further by giving you a three-dimensional view, in motion! That is how the detailed image of the pregnant uterus and baby within, complete with movements, is produced and seen in real time.

Sometimes these images are so clear it is difficult to believe that it hasn't even been born yet. According to a BBC report, doctors and childhood development specialists have been witness to the new and fascinating behaviors of the fetus while in the womb. 1) In a 4D ultrasound, it is possible to identify all the baby's features in detail with the fat layer filling the skeletal appearance within 28-36 weeks' time.


Among the uses of 4d scanning are fetal viability and dating scan, nuchal scan for Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities, determining fetal gender and possible abnormality, cervical assessment and fetal and mother well-being reassurance. Ultrasound scanning is an important clinical tool in providing images of internal fetal anatomy.